Collective course for ‘out of tune’ people

Bianca Simone - La Voce che Sorride - Cantante e Vocal Coach - Padova

I consider it a very important mission to restore the joy of singing to many people who have been hastily and rudely labelled as ‘singing out of tune’.

  • Did you really believe it when they told you that you were singing out of tune?
  • Don’t you feel like singing in public, you prefer to avoid sarcastic comments?
  • Do you feel like you can’t even sing “Happy Birthday to you” in tune?
  • You would always have liked to sing, but…
  • To you, your voice sounds beautiful, but as soon as you open your mouth, they immediately silence you …

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, this course is for you!

How does it take place?

The course takes place in presence. It consists of a whole day lesson, from 10am to 6pm, or of 2 meetings of 3 hours each.

Different techniques will be experimented with to improve the relationship with the inner ear and one’s own sound perception.

The work groups are small to allow each participant to be followed carefully and attentively.

What will you get?

The training path is a sensory re-education of singing and listening, in which you will discover the mystery of your voice and make peace with it.

You will meet other people who, like you, have some intonation difficulties in singing, and you will find empathetic and attentive companions in them.

This course is a first step: it will pave the way for you to recover a proper relationship between your ear and your voice, and it will help you understand how important this relationship is.

If you want, you can choose to continue the journey with a personalized or group path.

You will become part of the “La Voce che Sorride” community where you can find many ideas for good verbal communication.

My guarantee

There are indeed cases of people who are truly incurably out of tone, but they are few. All the others can improve a lot.
I will follow you with all possible care. I will offer you the bonus of a free half an hour personal interview, that you can take advantage of within 3 months of attending the course.
You can also take advantage of discounts and special offers on your future purchases.


The course is activated with a minimum number of 3 and maximum of 6 participants.

A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the course.


The course has a cost per person starting from:

180 euro

What they say about me

“I arrived at Bianca’s with a dream but without hope: I wanted to sing. When we started working together, she was “chasing” me on the keyboard, capturing my unruly sound and helping me tame it, step by step. The day I sang a scale without “losing myself,” my eyes were teary.
Her gentleness and persistence finally opened the closed door of my voice, which had been hidden since someone – when I was a child – silenced me with “Be quiet, you’re off-key!” After almost two years of endless patience (on her part) and stubbornness (on mine), I auditioned for my hometown choir and got in! Now I can sing, I’m happy.”


Contact me

Are you interested in my ‘out of tune’ course or would you like more information?
Contact me by filling in the form, I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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