Vocal rebirth

Bianca Simone - La Voce che Sorride - Cantante e Vocal Coach - Padova

In my life, I have the privilege of working with the voice. I never cease to be surprised and amazed at how intimately it represents us, in singing and in speaking.

Yet, the majority of people I meet are not in love with their own voice. In fact, I often hear people say: “I don’t like my voice, I hate it”.

Getting in deep connection with your own voice is possible, and it is a fascinating journey to discover wonderful and – perhaps – unexplored places.

Do you feel like leaving?

How does it take place?

It’s a demanding, radical and somehow all-encompassing proposal, because it requires total freedom and availability: the experience I propose involves spending time with me on the island of Malta.

The possible options are:

  1. the weekend of renewal
  2. the week of rebirth

It is an individual or couple path: you can choose to live this adventure on your own, or share it with your partner or a friend (it is necessary, however, that both wish to activate their own path, it is not possible to participate only as a ‘guest’).

With an online interview of 45 minutes, we will evaluate together whether these proposals are suitable for you (or for both of you). If so, we will plan the journey.

During your journey, we will be together for most of the day: I have original proposals for you to help you deeply redesign your relationship with your voice, your listening skills and your expressiveness.

Of course, the ‘weekend’ formula almost exclusively involves personal work, leaving little room for other activities and leisure. The ‘week’ formula, on the other hand, alternates moments of intense work with various cultural opportunities.


N.B. The course only takes place on request and subject to availability.

What should you take with you?

Just a suitcase and your voice: I will take care of the rest.

What will you get?

I cannot predict what you will get, because each path is unique and unrepeatable.
However, I advise you to leave without set goals, without anxiety and without prejudice, and to let your own voice guide the change. You will not regret it.

My guarantee

I guarantee you my complete attention and availability to help you experience a deep relationship with your voice, through a personalized path designed exclusively for you. You may at any time decide to terminate the experience without incurring any penalty, and I will reimburse you for the expenses (according to the agreed and signed terms).

Weekend prices

The ‘Weekend of renewal’ experience has a cost starting at:

800 euro per individual participant *


1.300 euro per couple *

The fee includes return air travel, meals and accommodation, transportation, and excursions as per the agreed programme.

*Prices are indicative, as they are subject to fluctuations in flight prices and other seasonal factors.

Week prices

The ‘Week of rebirth’ experience has a cost starting at:

1.500 euro per individual participant *


2.600 euro per couple *

The fee includes return air travel, meals and accommodation, transportation, and excursions as per the agreed programme.

*Prices are indicative, as they are subject to fluctuations in flight prices and other seasonal factors.

Contact me

Are you interested in the experience or would you like more information?
Contact me by filling in the form, I will get back to you as soon as possible!

    * required fields